
Your Voice Notes, Summarized by AI

Say whatever is on your mind. Scribe Notes takes your voice and turns it into beautiful organized notes. Share at the click of a button, or even receive notes as an email straight to your inbox.

Say whatever is on your mind.

Just start speaking. Powered by Whisper, Scribe transcribes every word you say.

AI summarizes your meandering thoughts

Powered by GPT-4o, Scribe summarizes your thoughts and organizes them clearly.

Receive a formatted note, ready to share.

Don't worry about rambling. Scribe formats your notes so you can do your best thinking.

Capture your thoughts whenever inspiration strikes

Record a Scribe anytime, anywhere. Automatically receive a summary as an email or save it for later – the choice is yours.

Your Head Isn't in the Clouds. But Your Notes Are.

Your notes seamlessly sync between devices so your best thoughts are always at your fingertips.

Automatic Emails

Get email summaries of your voice memos automatically – or share notes to friends or colleagues with just a tap.

Premium Feature
Custom Instructions

Want your AI to always call you by name, or spell things a certain way? Have a preferred format you wants your notes in? Custom Instructions give you the power.

Premium Feature
Apple Watch App

Phone in the other room when inspiration strikes? No worries - record a note right from your wrist.

Premium Feature
Home & Lock Screen Widgets

Want to record notes faster than ever? Use our Home Screen or Lock Screen Widgets to capture thoughts quickly.

Premium Feature
Unlimited Notes & 15-Minute Recording Length

Free users have limit of 10 notes and 3 minutes per note. With Premium, you get unlimited notes and a 15-minute recording limit per note.

Premium Feature
Auto Copy to Clipboard

Prefer to share your summaries instantly? Scribe can auto-copy your summarized note to your clipboard – ready to share right away.

Premium Feature
Automatic Paragraphs

Scribe automatically inserts paragraphs to break up longer notes – perfect for those rambling, stream-of-consciousness recordings.

Free or Premium? The Choice is Yours.

With Scribe Notes Premium, unlick advanced features to take your thinking to the next level.

Scribe Notes

Basic Features
Record up to 10 Notes
3-Minute Recording Limit per Note
Transcription and Summarization
Receive Automatic Emails

Scribe Notes Premium

Per Month (or $49.99 Per Year)
Everything in Free, Plus:
Unlimited Notes
15-Minute Recording Limit per Note
Apple Watch App
Custom Instructions
Home Screen Widget
Lock Screen Widget
Auto-Copy to Clipboard
Auto Paragraphs
Support Indie Developers ;)

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